Even though we are well into September, it still feels like summer is doing its best to hang around. But once the chill of fall is in the air, it’s probably time to close your swimming pool.
Even though we are well into fall, it still feels like summer is doing its best to hang around. One solution to this is to take a quick dip in your pool. After all, it can be refreshing on a hot day. We are still technically in summer, so the warm days shouldn’t come as a surprise. But once the chill of fall is in the air, it’s probably time to close your swimming pool.
Clean the Pool and Test It
The first step is to clean the pool. While many homeowners know how to do this as a matter of course, don’t be ashamed if you are unable to do it as well. That’s why professional help is so urgent. Besides, the pool won’t be in use for several months, and you don’t want whatever debris, mold, or algae to get worse while you aren’t maintaining the pool as often. The water, walls, and floor of the pool all need to be cleaned up. Finally, test the chemicals you use to treat your swimming pool. This way, you can ensure that they are adequately balanced.
Prepare Winterizing Chemicals
The second step is to get out the chemicals that will help prepare your pool for a long winter ahead. These winterizing chemicals are so crucial because they help to keep your pool clean and discourage the growth of algae that can make your pool look unsightly when you do go to open it up again in the spring. Part of this process involves toning down how much chlorine you use. That’s because the chlorine can neutralize other crucial chemicals that all need to be able to activate. Algaecide is one of the best substances to use, along with metal sequestrant. Don’t forget to use pool enzymes and winterpills, the last of which will dissolve over time and clean out your pool without further intervention from you.
Start Draining the Water
Now you’ve got to start draining out the water. However, you don’t want to empty it. Although it sounds counterproductive, keeping some water in your pool is a good idea. This stops the water from overflowing and can also help prevent damage caused by freezing. Inspect the tile border and don’t exceed it. Lastly, be sure to assess the condition of the water if you leave it uncovered. Rain, sleet, snow, and ice can all affect its quality.
Questions? Ask Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC
If you still have questions about how to build a brand new swimming pool, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC is here to help you. We here at Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC can build and install your pool or spa and also provide you with pool chemicals, services, and more. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see more from us and for tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.