There are lots of great pool party games to try for both kids and adults.
Pool parties are one of the best things about summer. Gathering a bunch of friends and family for a day of good food and drinks, along with some amazingly fun pool party games, will make a lasting memory for everyone involved. While you’re enjoying these great pool party games, don’t forget to make sure everyone has their sunscreen on and is taking a break when they’re tired.
Pool Noodle Boat Races
For pool noodle boat races, you’ll cut a pool noodle into 3-inch sections and hand them out to any participants. You can choose to have everyone attach a small sail to it, forego the sails, or give everyone a choice on whether or not they want to add a sail. Once everyone’s noodle boat is ready, have a referee yell, “Go!” Once the race starts, participants have to get their noodle to the other end of the pool first without using their hands. Kicking the water, splashing, and anything else is allowed as long as they do not touch their boat. For some friendly competition, you can also allow players to sabotage the boats of others, also without touching them. First to the other side wins! This game can also be played with other small objects that float, such as rubber duckies.
Noodle Jousting
Noodle jousting is a game that is simple to learn, but difficult to master. For this game, two people will have to grab a pool noodle and choose the best floatie to be their trusty steed. Each brave knight will need a squire to push them to the middle of the pool. Once there, let the jousting commence! The first player to fall off of their floatie is defeated.
Bumper Balls
For bumper balls, you will need to run a length of rope or something similar across a section of the pool. Give all players an inflated beach ball and let them loose! Players will use their balls to bump into and push each other, trying to knock other players into the rope. Once a player hits the rope, they’re out. Last person standing wins!
Sponge Golf
Sponge golf is meant to mimic frisbee golf. Simply float some frisbees in your pool to create “baskets” and then have the players throw sponges toward the frisbees, awarding them a point for each one they hit. You can also determine different point values depending on the difficulty of the basket, such as giving more points for any that are further away. The player with the most points wins!
Glow Stick Treasure Hunt
If your party goes into the evening, nothing beats a glow stick treasure hunt. Snap a bunch of glow sticks and toss them into the pool. Then, once someone signals to start, players dive into the pool and try to grab as many glow sticks as they can. The player with the most glow sticks wins!
Do You Have More Questions About Swimming Pools? Ask Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC
If you still have questions about how to build a brand new swimming pool, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC is here to help you. At Sunrise Pools, we can build and install your pool, spa, or hot tub and provide you with pool chemicals, services, and more. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see more from us and for tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.