When it comes to finding the best swimming pool heat pump, it’s easy to get lost and confused.
When it comes to finding the best swimming pool heat pump for your pool, it’s easy to get lost and confused. There are a lot of options, and when you’re focusing on finding one that is energy efficient, it becomes even harder. No one wants their pool too cold to swim in, but the cost of heating can be high. Fortunately, with these tips and tricks, you’ll be on your way to an energy efficient, perfectly warm pool.
Choose the Right Heater
Different swimming pool heat pumps have different specs. While some are more money up front, they’ll have fewer maintenance costs over time. Likewise, some are cheaper up front but cost more in repairs during their lifespan. Looking at these two options, you may want to research the types of repairs they may need. Doing some of the work yourself may make it possible to save money with either option.
Use The Sun
A great way to reduce costs while making your pool more sustainable is to add solar panels to help power your swimming pool heat pump and equipment. Depending on the unit you choose you may be able to power your entire pool; otherwise, it will significantly reduce the operating costs.
Keep Your Pool Pump On
When your pool water isn’t circulating the warm water will rise to the top while colder water settles at the bottom. This effect causes heat to be lost much faster as it escapes from the surface of the water. When you aren’t running your swimming pool heat pump, be sure to leave the pool pump on – as the water circulates, it maintains a more consistent temperature meaning less heat can escape.
Invest In A Solar Cover
One of the best ways to prevent heat loss and keep your pool warm is to invest in a solar pool cover. Solar covers offer a fantastic benefit in that they prevent evaporation and reduce heating costs by up to 70%. A huge portion of heat loss is due to evaporation, which is significantly hampered when using a cover.
Practice Good Maintenance
When you maintain your pool’s heating correctly, you can ensure that your pool is comfortable without breaking the bank. If you use your pool for active swimming, a temperature range of 78º to 80º is best, while for recreational swimming 80º to 82º is preferred. When not in use, if you lower your pool temperature by 1 degree it can help save up to 10% in heating costs a month.
Contact Sunrise Premier Pool Builders Today for Your Professional Pool Maintenance Service!
Whether you want to upgrade your pool or want an entirely new one, Sunrise Pool Builders are here to help. We are happy to walk you through every step of the design process and ensure that your pool or spa meets the needs of every member of your family and all of the activities you want a pool or spa for. If you are ready to design the perfect pool or spa for your home, contact the experts at Sunrise Pools & Spas. For more information on our services, contact us online or give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see examples of our work, check us out on social media on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+.